
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to my sister Pumpy!


Today is my sister Pumpy's birthday, okay so her real name is not Pumpy but that is what I have always called her, she is my youngest sister and nieces Laura and Thea's mom. I feel bad as today I am out of town. But on my way back from visiting my other sister and nieces in Montreal. I really hope my sister has a great birthday, In honor of her birthday I am sharing with you one of my favorite recipes (and my sisters favorite recipes) I have included the link to the blog I got if from, she has fantastic photos of her cake there. This is a great recipe to have on hand if you have some one pop by suddenly they will be amazed at your craftiness! Serve with fresh berries or some chocolate sauce and you are an instant gourmet in under 5 minutes start to finish!

Chocolate Cake In 5 Minutes!

recipe from the link below:
  • 4 Tablespoons cake flour
  • 4 Tablespoons sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 Egg
  • 3 Tablespoons milk
  • 3 Tablespoons oil
  • 1 Mug
  • Mix flour, sugar and cocoa:
  • Spoon in 1 egg
  • Pour in milk and oil, and mix well
  • Put in microwave for 3 minutes on maximum power (1000watt)
  • Wait until it stops rising and sets in the mug
  • Tip contents out of mug onto saucer and enjoy!
As with all my blog posts I would love to hear from you so leave a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUMPY!!!!!!!!!!!:D
    Let your birthday star shine!
