
Monday, June 25, 2012

Summer Reading with PLAYAWAY Audio Books American Girl Stories

I have to tell you how excited I was to find that my local (Canadian) library had the American Girl Historical books available on loan and then so surprised to find that these wonderful book series were also available as pre recorded MP3 players that you just use your own ear buds to listen to.

My sons teacher recommended that we use "books on tape", now CD's and MP3's such as PLAYAWAY, along with the books to help with reading fluidity and consistency.  Well my son enjoyed "boy" type stories, I was thrilled to find these books and borrowed the Julie series.
This PLAYAWAY MP3 player has all the Julie Stories on it and is more then 8 hours long. Perfect for listening too while following along in the book, on a family car trip, airplane ride, or cleaning the house as I did while I listened to it.
If you have a young reader who is also struggling to find the joy of reading but you do not want them to miss out on the wonderful historical series that American Girl is known for, I would recommend seeing if your library has these wonderful PLAYAWAY Preloaded Stories. My Library has them, maybe your Library does too. You can also click here for the PLAYAWAY Website where you can order these wonderful pre recorded books. PLAYWAY also offers these  pre recorded books for sale to the public for a little more then you would pay for the hardcover series or your favorite books. I believe that  American Girl Series may only be available from your local library but check PLAYAWAY to be sure

If you are going away this summer and wanted to take these players or books from your library with you, most library's have a vacation mode that allow you to take books out with out renewing for up to six weeks!

As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. That sounds great! I'll have to check out my local library to see if they have the Julie Playaway. Are the mysteries on it as well, or just the original box series?

  2. I am in British Columbia Canada, and as far as I can tell it is only the historical stories and not the mysteries!
