
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jillian Get's Hearing Aides

Jillian recently spent some time at the doll hospital and she got hearing aides.
As a mother of children with special needs I am so impressed that American girl is making an effort to represent all girls.  While my children do not have hearing disabilities  I felt it was something I wanted my doll to have.
I am very pleased with how this has turned out and I also love that even if your doll has her ears pierced you can still get your doll hearing aides. For $14 this service offered by American Girl has my stamp of approval!

As with all my posts  would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. She is so pretty, I should be thinking about getting one, they are so cute!

  2. Jillians very cute! Congrats! I love her dress where did u get it? Or, did u make it?

  3. Thank you! Jillian's dress was made by Sew Crazy Army Wife's Etsy shop
