
Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday December 13th...Let's Review My 2013 Resloutions...

Back on December 30th of last year I posted 13 New Years Resolutions and as today is the 13th of December I thought it would be fun to reflect on the past year and see how I did...

Number #1 was- "I would really like to finally get this beautiful doll!!! Ivy has been on my list for more then two years. I am saving for her now"

Well my sister Pumpy treated me to Ivy last year on our trip to the AG store in Seattle!

Number #2 was- "I really need a logo for my blog, So I am putting this on my list, I am hoping one of you out there can come up with a Karen Mom of Three Craft Blog spot logo for me....more on that to come in the next few weeks..."

Well I get a fail on number #2. I think I will have to add this to my 2014 Resolutions with your help.

Number #3 was- "I would love to build a Doll House for my American Girl Dolls. I am so inspired by all the doll houses I have seen and reviewed I really would like to build one of my own."
I get a fail on this, but I understand that the My Girl's Doll house is still on it's way to me. Stay Tuned!

Number #4 was- "Complete an Ana White design from her amazing free wood working patterns"

Well I did not build one but my brother in law built me one!! So a slight pass on this one!

Number #5 was -"Learn to make a doll quilt, quilting is something I have not done yet."
A fail on this one as well, I am adding it back on this years list!
Number #6 was - "I would love to knit another doll sweater or at least a hat...wish me luck this scares me still!"

 Well I did knit a sweater or two this year but none of them were perfect and I have yet to try a hat, I will add Hat to my list again this year! I am getting better!

Number #7 was - "Add more items to my Etsy shop, finding time to do so to sew and craft then list, lofty goal I know!"
 Well I get a fail on this one, I spent so much time writing about others Shops and Doll items and crafts that I did not list anything. I will hope to add something this year.

Number #8 was- "Get together regularly with more Doll People in my area. I had such a wonderful time at the BC DOLL lovers Meet Up, I hope to do it again soon!"
We are trying to get together next week and have met a few times this year ! I get a pass on this one!

Number 9 was#- "Visit the Seattle AG store and have a meet and greet....anyone interested in meeting up there? Message me or leave a comment here and we will make a plan!"
I did make it to the store only once this year and while I was there I did meet up with one reader and FB friend which was wonderful, I hope to do this more!

Number #10 was - "Make time to sew at least once a week! Sometimes I go months with out sewing then sew for 30 days straight...I must do it weekly!"
I started out great but it quickly fell apart. I did sew but not as often as I would have liked to and will add this again to my list for 2014.

Number #11was - "I would love to do more You tube videos and add to my channel. I know it was on last years list but I need some help with this....."
Well I did  a few but I was not diligent, I will add more in 2014 I hope!
 Number #12 was- " I am putting Crochet back on my list...I will give it another go. Wish me luck here on year two..."
 I get a last minute pass on this one! I did learn the first stitch and created this scarf for my dolls!

And for 2013 Number #13 was- Get a Boy Doll, either have some one customize one for me (Brandy) or order one from My London Girl
I got a Pass on this one too when Ollie, arrived this past October!
He is a truly awesome doll who I can not wait to share ideas with you about, as a bonus I also got a February delivery of my boy doll from Harmony Club Dolls,  Ethan...
I have been so truly blessed this year, and I achieved 7 out of 13 resolutions,  now I will have to start my list of resolutions for 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading and seeing what I was able to do with my resolutions this year! Check back on Dec 30th where I will share my Resolutions for 2014.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. I think you did well! As for my list, I need the next two weeks to try to knock off a couple more before I admit defeat and roll some of them to 2014. :-)
