
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tea With Ahmie, An Invitation to Join Us For Tea Today...

 Today I am going to share a bit about a young lady and her family I have virtually met through a friend on Facebook. I take my online friendships very seriously and count many of you among my closest friends. I have met most of you through my on line work here and through my social media networks on Facebook and I am thankful for each one of you.
Follow Ahmie's Journey by clicking here

Today I want to share a bit about a friend of mine who's daughter Ahmie was recently diagnosed with a rare form of Cancer called Desmoplastic  Round Cell Tumor. On December 1st 2013 The family learned of Ahmie's Cancer. I have been following her progress on Facebook and Her Families On line Fundraiser. 
Today I am asking you  to join me in supporting this family in a very simple way. Make tea, light a candle and share it with Ahmie and her family.

Ahmie is fighting for her life. On 12/1/13 we found she has Desmoplastic Round Cell Tumors which is a rare and aggressive cancer. She has begun intense chemo. Please pray and share our story. - See more at:
hmie is fighting for her life. On 12/1/13 we found she has Desmoplastic Round Cell Tumors which is a rare and aggressive cancer. She has begun intense chemo. Please pray and share our story. - See more at:

hmie is fighting for her life. On 12/1/13 we found she has Desmoplastic Round Cell Tumors which is a rare and aggressive cancer. She has begun intense chemo. Please pray and share our story. - See more at:
Every day we here of awful things happening in the world. Wars, Fires, Home Invasions, Death and illness. Its in our media feeds on our social websites, televisions, delivered right to our phones. It starts to stay with you and make you feel helpless. But what if we could let go of all that negativity and energy, change that energy into something special. Instead of thinking about doing something we just do it.
So today I am going to ask you to do something. It's not hard and its not expensive and it will not change the world but it may change the way you feel and make someone else smile. I think we can change the world, at least for one family, one cup and photo at a time.

I am going to ask you to get out your favorite mug or best tea cup and saucer. Make tea, light a candle, take a photo and send it to me by email it to me at or post it on Facebook, let Ahmie, her mother  Gienna  and her younger sister Aishah know we are thinking of them. If you would like to help the family with their journey you can click here.  I will post the photos emailed to me on Facebook for the family if you do not have direct access. Thank you for taking a few minutes to do this for Ahime and her family today.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Ahmie, as I drink my tea and light my candle, my family prays for healing for you xoxoxoxox Holly

  2. Sending healing thoughts and prayers! xoxo

  3. I drank tea for Ahmie. She is in my prayers,and her whole family.

  4. I praise Him daily for His Amazing healing powers for Ahmie.....
