
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What I Have Been Up Too This Month

  Today I wanted to let you know that I am right on track to complete my goal of sewing every day in January. I have been sewing and completing at least one doll item every day this month.

 In December I stared at my to be sewn pile of fabric, my boxes and binders of patterns and set to work in planning to sew every day in January just to see if I could.
I sewed more then 15 pairs of dolly fleece gloves this month and modified the Craft along with me pattern. 
I sewed and dyed dolly and me tea gloves....
Used an entire meter of heart patterned stretch knit fabric to create dresses and t-shirts...
Several Ties and bow ties ....
Doll Aprons...
 Party Hats...
As well as Cloche Hats....
On days where I was pressed for time I sewed doll socks and even a dolly purse or two.
I have really enjoyed getting this far with my person challenge this month. I am sharing my post today with you to hopefully inspire you to make time to sew, take time to craft and be creative every day. The Doll Socks take less then two minutes to make and that feeling of accomplishment at the end of each dolly sewing project is pretty hard to beat! 
So don't just look for the time, finding time is hard. Making time is part of the commitment and the fun. 
I have heard it said that if you do something 21 times it becomes a routine. I have to agree, I feel like I get antsy if I have not sewn something by 1 in the afternoon! I know I can not do this every day all year but I have sure enjoyed doing this every day this month and hope to at least sew something once a week from February on. 
Thank you for taking time to read my blog, for visiting my tutorials, sponsors and taking the time to comment or write me. It is for all of you that I continue to write and publish daily.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. That's such a great idea! I'll have to think about doing something similar to use up my various stashes. I'm like you and will need to plan ahead so I don't draw a "blank" of what to make after a few days. :)

  2. That's awesome! I'm glad you have reached your goal. I finally finished the scarf I was is really funny looking, but works really well (It will be in Satruday's post) and I'm proud to have finished it.

  3. Recognize that Bitty outfit ;)
