
Friday, February 21, 2014

A Behind The Scenes Visit With Donna of Unending Treasures Etsy Shop

 Today I wanted to share with you Donna of Unending Treasures story. A behind the scenes look at her Etsy shop and why she creates for 18 inch dolls. I hope you will enjoy her story and enjoy the photos from her shop. 

My Story


I was only going to make clothes for their sale while I was on medical leave from my part time job.  It soon became apparent to me that my body couldn’t handle the physical demands of that job any longer and I needed to quit. I knew that God had a different way to provide for me, and I had no idea on the day that I said yes to donating doll clothes, that it would also be God’s plan for my new part time job. I have been extremely blessed since I opened my shop Unending Treasures, not only with an income, but also with the ability to put toys into children’s live to enjoy.  I do a happy dance every day that I get to work from home in a passion that started a long time ago.  Then pile on the added blessings of meeting people who enjoy what I do.  I never thought that when I said yes to something that I didn't originally want to do would bring me so much joy!

 A huge thank you to Donna for sharing her story and her photos from her shop today, her passion shows in her work and her shop. If you would like to visit her Etsy shop and see her work first hand please click here. 
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at 


  1. Lovely shop and challenging story. Thank you.

  2. Very inspiring story and very stylish fashions for American Dolls! Loved article!
