
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring Reads, Doll Themed Books We Love!

There are so many doll books I love and if you are looking for something to read this Spring for yourself or with a young doll lover in your life here are some of my recommendations. The above photo is of The Doll People series by Ann Martin and Laura Godwin this is such an easy series to get into and fall in love with. Adventurous Doll lovers are going to tell you this is the best doll read ever!

I am a mystery book lover and Samantha's Mysteries were the first ones I picked up, I loved Clue in the Castle Tower so much! Samantha's story line is by far my favorite and I hear she is coming back to the 18 inch doll line late summer, I hope that the rummors are true! I love all of the AG Mystery books and if you get a chance pick these up at your library, book stores or on line!

For our much younger doll lovers I love the La La Loopsy Series of books great as starting readers and the subject matter is so cute it is hard to walk by with out picking these up.
On my list to pick up is the Bitty Baby new series. About dolls and tea' has to be on my to be read pile!
Oh Raggedy Anne Fans take note! ! Oh how I loved Raggedy Ann! Click here to find out about B&N listing for this wonderful book!

If you are an adult doll collector and mystery lover may I recommend this series by Deb Baker, you can get this series for your E readers really easily, I really enjoyed it and Deb is one of my favorite authors.

So if you are looking for a great read this spring or you have a great doll themed read to share please leave me a comment here or email me at

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