
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Madelon's Dollar Store and Halmark Easter Basket Play Set

Madelon shares today with us her version of a dolly Easter basket made from items you can find easily at your own dollar stores. 

Using candy boxes that she found at the candy store, she simply opened the boxes, removed the candies and re sealed the box. These little boxes are perfect for doll play and use in year round play!
The little eggs are actually painted ornaments from Hallmark, they are really nice quality but you can find similar sized eggs at the craft store you can paint yourself!
The detail in this chocolate bunny is incredible! There are some small chocolate hollow Easter treats at the dollar store that would work in doll play but we are not sure if you can shellac them, they would be a wonderful and yummy addition to any basket.
Madelon's doll is wearing an Our Generation outfit, don't you love the shoes?
Thank you Madelon for sharing this wonderful fun find with us today.
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