
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Miriam Sets A Table For Passover

Today for Passover, my friend Miriam and her family made a special dolly meal.  She has kindly allowed me to share her photos with you she made her "Seder foods out of Fimo clay."

 "On the table is the Seder plate with 5 symbolic foods.  There is also matzah, unleavened bread reminding us that our ancestors left Egypt in a hurry. There are Haggadah books which tell the order if the service and we read the story of the exodus from Egypt. The dolls like to play with the toy frogs during the retelling of the 10 plagues."

To learn more about Passover  and the 5 symbolic foods shown above you can click here . 
Thank you Miriam for sharing your photos with us!
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