
Friday, April 11, 2014

The Amazing People You Meet In The Dolly World- Greta and Steampunk Addie!

If you are new to my blog and the doll world let me tell you its a great community. Recently I became friends with the wonderful and creative lady behind the spectacular Steampunk Addie!

Greta is also one of the newest members of our Dolls For A Cause group and I am so very excited to have her join us!

Today Greta shares a behind the scenes look at her Etsy Shop and her creative design history.
 KMOT: Tell me about how you came to love dolls?

Greta:"I've loved dolls ever since I was a child. A friend of my mother's had an extensive Japanese doll collection, courtesy of her Japanese college roommate. She gave me several Japanese dolls. My aunt was a doll collector who fueled my interest ( and my grandparents started bringing me ethnic dolls from their world travels."
" When I was in high school my doll interest waned, but I kept all my dolls safely packed. (I still have them!) Over the years I saw American Girl catalogs and loved what I saw, but it wasn't until my nieces and daughter were born that I started collecting again."

 "Two friends gave my daughter Kirsten and Addy, and I found the online boards. One mentioned finding used AG dolls at Goodwill, so I skeptically went and found Molly for $10! I was a goner. Between me, my daughter, and two nieces I taught myself how to repair dolls."

 KMOT: How did you begin sewing?
Greta: "My mom taught me how to sew in seventh grade when I hit 5'11". I'm now 6'3", so it became necessary to make and alter my own clothes."
 "When I got Steampunk Addie, I started collecting her wardrobe from talented seamstresses, but I was hesitant to sew her clothes myself. It wasn't until recently when Dacia (Mini Me Dolly Diva's) sent Addie her Steam Trek outfit, that I got emboldened to try. And I LOVE it! The 18" dolls are such a fun size to sew for, and I hope to branch out soon!"

KMOT: How did you come to to love Steampunk?
Greta: "I've always loved quirky things, although I tried so stifle my inner geek for years. I saw some steampunk items a few years ago and it clicked inside me. History with a twist! I could be creative! I got an Addy with silver eye and meant to replace her eyes, but the more I looked at her the more I realized that was who she was. And Steampunk Addie was born! The board members loved her wardrobe and stories so I started blogging about her. She has definitely taken on a life of her own!"

Greta has kindly created a coupon code for her shop for my readers " MOMOFTHREE2014"
 Be Sure to Check out Greta's Etsy Shop by clicking here 
and look for her in our up coming Dolls For A Cause Auctions! 
Thank you Greta for sharing with us today!
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