
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One Minute Doll Chats With Karen Mom of Three

A little over a month ago I started a new youtube series called One Minute Doll Chat with Karen Mom of Three and this past Monday I published my 31st One Minute Doll Chat.
My dear friend Cheryl talked me into do these videos and I want to thank her for that! I have had a bunch of wonderful people support my blog and encourage me to try new things, Cheryl, Char, Laura, Deena, Lauren have pushed me and mentored me in ways I would never have thought possible.
So I have been working on thee videos as well as my crafts and writing here on the blog. I am planing on doing more of these One Minute Doll Chats and have some fun things waiting in the wings.
If you have not seen my One Minute Doll Chats come check them out! I have currently jut over 130 subscribers and I would love to have all of you join me by subscribing. When I get to 200 subscribers I will do another give away!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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