
Monday, May 19, 2014

Ruthie's Bad Hair Day! Saved By Heads Up! Detangler from

Ruthie has been having a bad hair day for a very long time now and I was thrilled to get some Heads Up Doll Hair care System Detangler from Twin Pines of Maine ( and I made some You Tube Video's of the First time I actually used the product!

I used my dollar store spray bottle, my new American Girl Doll Hair Brush I purchased at the American Girl Doll Store in Vancouver as well some tap watter and the Detangler.

I am very impressed with how well this worked on Ruthie's Tangled hair and how easy it is to use, not to mention the fact that the smell is not strong like the fabric softener I have used to de-tangle doll hair in the past.
I recommend Heads Up Doll Hair Care System from www. This product was great and I love how Ruthie's hair is shiny and manageable now!  I can not wait to try it on my other dolls hair!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Do you think this would work with the Pleasant Company dolls? I have Samantha and Kirsten and you can't get a doll brush through their hair.

  2. I do think it will work Linda, remember to start at the bottom once you spray the hair and go slowly.

  3. do u have any ideas of how to re-curl her hair after being straightened? I straightened her hair cuz it didn't look like the pics or like the movie, any ideas would help!!!
