
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Broken Doll A Wonderful Service That Puts Dolls In To The Hands Of Those Who Need It Most

The Broken Doll is a wonderful new organization I have just liked on Facebook. This is a charity I am thrilled to share with you about.
The Broken Doll accepts loved dolls and transforms them and donates then to girls in the Foster Care System in Tennessee.

I grew up in a Foster home, my parents were foster parents to more then 40 children from the 1980's until my mothers passing in 2010. The idea of putting doll play and fun back into a child in crisis's life is one I am in full support of.   Many of us rescue and donate doll in our own areas to charities in need and I am often asked how people can give back to their Dolly Community, The Broken Doll is a great example of how you can help. You can help by donating dolls, clothing, accessories and outfits by contacting The Broken Doll on Facebook via message by clicking here or    you can also email with the subject line of "The Broken Doll Donations".
I asked The Broken Doll about  their service and was surprised and thrilled to hear that they are looking for help across the USA!

"I have two ladies from two other states to make homemade doll clothing who have partnered with me and are sending me clothes for these dolls that are arriving next week. Currently, I am the only person that is doing the painting and refurbishing of the dolls. I am hoping with more awareness, I can get others interested in this area to join me. I am also hoping this will encourage people in other states to start similar community programs."

 My hope is that some of you my wonderful readers are inspired by today's post and that you may wish to join this wonderful doll play movement. Please contact The Broken Doll by clicking here if you are able to help, please share their message and help get doll play back into the hands of some very deserving girls.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. *From Julie's doll mom, Sharry:*

    I'm sending a Springfield Madison doll I did a hair experiment that was a failure, but otherwise she's great. Maybe they can re-wig her and give her to some other little girl.

  2. I am totally inspired and am contacting them with an offer to help out with outfits. Thank you for sharing

  3. Such a beautiful thing to do! I'll be sure to "like" them on FaceBook and get in touch with them.

  4. Thanks for sharing this! I come across fixable dolls all the time at thrift stores, and I always wished I knew someone like this that could use them.
