
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Welcome Alexis! My Via E Doll!

I just picked up Alexis my ViaE Doll and I could not be happier! What a fun doll. I was so excited when she arrived as for months I have admired her and wondered about what she was like in person!
I did a very quick intro video when I got her and she has been such a great addition to our doll play family!
My niece Laura was over last week and we have plans to take Alex swimming the next sunny day we can head up to her family pool.
This photo is one of the reasons I wanted to bring Alexis home. The idea of a doll that can get wet is fantastic! Now there are some very important care tips for a doll like Alexis. One is that you need to blow on her eyes after water play just like you would a birthday candle. This is very important to keep Alexis is great shape and keep her eyes working!
" Alexis is not a bath toy…she is a dollfriend ® that can get wet.  This statement is meant to make it clear that Alexis needs care after water to remove all the water and to make sure mold does not become an issue.  A bath toy does not need care…a rubber duck can sit in the water for long periods of time and does not need to be dried off.   Water play is fun, but it does come with responsibilities to Alexis."
Many of you wonderful readers always ask me for a side by side comparison here it is. This way you can see Alexis amazing features next to her doll friends. Alexis has arms and legs that can bend and as they are strung you can remove any water that builds up in her limbs after water play.
here is a close up of Ivy's hand and Alex's hand. Lots of detail in the skin tone and nails of the fingers and toes on the ViaE doll.
 Alexis looks great in 18 inch clothing and with her vinyl body Alexis looks great in summer dresses as well!
my over all impression of Alexis is that she is a truly remarkable doll and I can not wait to take her swimming!
We will be back to share more of our on going review of Alexis in the coming days! We are having so much fun playing with her!
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at


  1. *From Julie's doll mom, Sharry:*

    Yippeee! You got her! Karen, it's b/c of your interview w/ Ellen Callen, (Alexis' creator) last year that I was lucky enough to be one of the first people to get this amazing doll last year. I haven't gotten her wet yet, but I will soon. I know your niece is gonna have a ball w/ her! Congrats!

  2. Alexis is a great doll I got one of the first ones I haven't taken her to the pool yet NOT sure what the people around here will say she has been waiting in her bathing suit for weeks, Angel poet

  3. Her body reminds me of the Kidz'n'Cats dolls. That's interesting about the swimming an definitely a nice feature.

  4. Karen, Do you have a link to these dolls - they are really cute!
    Also, you have got to check out a seller on ebay - her latest doll creation is amazing! (she is also on etsy) -
    Take care - Sho

  5. She looks like a lot of fun! Madelon

  6. Alexis is real cute. She makes a really joyful presence among your doll family. I am looking forward to her water adventures. :)
