
Saturday, August 16, 2014

A New Youtube Channel To Watch And Enjoy!

I get the nicest email from like minded doll lovers and I am always thrilled to hear from my readers. I recently go an email from Youtuber Shosy G. A doll lover who is not just a collector but also working towards her Masters and using doll play as part of Expressive Art Therapy.

 " I have been collecting dolls for about 15 years or longer - starting with the boxed Wiz/Oz dolls that my sons and mumz started buying for me at my Phi Theta Kappa Induction ceremony, b-days, etc. Then when my mum died, I started haunting the thrift stores out of loneliness and kept finding these Barbies in such disrepair -that I felt compelled to rescue them!"

 "So, I started rehabilitating the dolls and my collection grew into more specialty Barbies until I got involved in doll shows and art contests ( I make OOAK Barbies like Jack and Sally from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas', and Oberon and Titania from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', etc). I probably 're-homed' close to 1000 Barbies"

"I began collecting bigger dolls - trying to recapture the dolls of my youth: Baby Chrissy, Teen Chrissy, the Vintage Walker dolls, Tubsy and Peggy PenPal. Now I have collected some of the historical American Girl dolls along with the JLY, etc. from Ebay mostly.  I have a few Ott dolls, and Madame Alexander, a couple Karito Kids, 2 My 18" Twinn Boys ( I bought those new , and a bunch of refurbished 23" My Twinn dolls."
One of the reasons this email and channel I felt were worth mentioning is that I personally believe in the healing power of play. Of Doll Play in particular. And yes I believe it at any age. Like my own story Shosy, came back to dolls and doll play at a crucial point in her own life. Rediscovered her love of dolls through her journey of grief, much like my own when her mom passed. More then collection and lovingly restoring dolls she has now come through that grieving process stronger and able to share her findings and help others through doll play and that my friends is truly an amazing and wonderful testament to doll play.

So thank you to Shosy and to all of you who help make the world a better place through your love of dolls and doll play and for taking the time to read my blog. Be sure to click here to subscribe to Shosy's channel.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. Wow Karen - this is such a beautiful piece on one small, but extremely important portion of my life - Thank you! I also think the dolls I have been acquiring at thrift stores and refurbishing will also one day find new, loving homes in the hands of either children or adults that have never had a doll to love. This has been weighing heavily n me for some time now - so I am excited to see where it will lead ^_^ Take care
