
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Noteworthy Blog Update, Check out Julie Newman's 70's Time Capsule

Today I wanted to share a very "Noteworthy Blog" with you, Julie Newman's Time Capsule. 
Sharry started her blog in 2012 and has quite a cast of recurring characters that make her blog so much fun to read!
Some of Sharry's  work has been featured on Doll Diaries and this year she has joined us at Camp as a Guest Councilor!
 Sharry is also a Youtube Personality! Check out her Doll Video's by watching the video above or by visiting her YouTube Channel by Clicking Here
 Sharry gave me a behind the scenes look at her blog and shares a bit about her blog with us today.
 What do you think makes your blog unique?
Sharry:"I feel my blog is very unique for a couple of reasons;  it's one of the only 2 doll blogs (that I know of) that have a Springfield Collection doll as the main character, and  it tells Julie Newman's story from a historical POV, the 70s."

 "There's a lot of me in Julie, and a lot of what I wanted to be at that age. I've created her to be a bright, fun-loving little girl who is popular, likes to try new things, and goes through most of the same things that the average 9-year-old from that time period would go through."

" Even though the photoshoots take place in my house or around my neighborhood, I try to make it look as though Julie and her friends go to different places like school, camp, etc. What I lack in location, I make up for in props."
 Be sure to check out the "Meet My Friends" Page on Julie's blog and get to know all the dolls. Each has their own personality and features in Julie's stories and adventures.
Be sure to Follow Julie and Sharry's blog by clicking here.
Also make sure to comment when visiting blogs and blog posts you like, it gives bloggers like Sharry and myself great feedback and encouragement to keep writing and sharing with doll lovers like you.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 


  1. I love Julie Newman's Time Capsule! Thank you for featuring Sharry's blog!

  2. From me and my doll mom, Sharry, thanks Karen for sharing my time capsule with your readers!

  3. I love Julie and Sharry's blog! It IS unique OOAK. Keep up the good work Julie and Sharry.

  4. Great time capsule! 1974 was indeed a great year, however, my dolls prefer Donny Osmond! :)
