
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Saving Marie-Grace

If you are a doll lover you have seen this devastating thing happen to good dolls, on line, at yard sales or perhaps in your own doll family. Ink on your doll, just about  one of the most common things a doll lover like me encounters on a fairly regular basis . My niece Hannah's Marie Grace doll suffered from a "love" induced ink heart drawn on her face. My nieces are visiting from Montreal and my sister had a two doll max for the girls each to bring but Marie-Grace made the trip for a spa visit at Aunty Karen's.
Once Marie-Grace arrived at my house, I honestly did not know what to do, I tried cleaning her the way I knew best and the ink mark would not budge. I contacted my Adult Doll Collecting group and they recommended that I use 10% benzoyl peroxide, which I could not find near my house in Canada. So I headed to the Peace Arch Border Crossing and made a day trip for school supplies, lunch and a tube of this magic cream. I bought the Zapzyt brand at Walmart .Once I got home I set out to save Marie-Grace. Listening to the advice of my friend Amy Bray, I applied only the cream to her affected cheek and left it to work it's magic for 24 hours.

I used a wet facecloth and gently removed the cream and I was honestly shocked and amazed at how well this worked. My niece and my sister were just as thrilled with the result and I am in debt to the wonderful ladies in my Adult Doll Collecting group who helped me to save Maire-Grace.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Thanks for passing on the tip. BTW, can you share the name of your doll collection group? Is it online?

  2. For those who are looking for a tube of benzoyl, you can either search for OXY10 if you're in the States, Benzac AC in Asia, or Basiron if you're in Europe. I'm sure there are a bunch of other brands you can try, but that should give you an idea on what to try out.

  3. How nice to have all your nieces over for some doll play! I can't believe how well that cream worked. I wanted to ask you about the Adult Doll Collecting group. Is this an online group? How can I join? I'm a 32 year old mom to a 2 year old boy so I have no one to share my love of dolls with.

  4. I belong to several doll collecting groups most of them are on Facebook, you can email me at and I will try to help you out

  5. Karen, did you leave Marie-Grace outside? Some of the forums I have read have suggested this, because it speeds the process up. I had the same issue, bought the Zapzyt, put it on, and it did not seem to work after 3 days. I ordered a product online that is specifically made to take ink/marker off of vinyl dolls. When it arrived (two weeks later) the ink on the doll had almost completely faded. The Zapzyt worked! My doll was not out in the light, that is why I ask. Thanks for the great post. I love reading your blog!

  6. Thank you all, no I did no leave Marie Grace outside. I read that you should but I was not comfortable with doing that so she stayed indoors.
