
Friday, January 9, 2015

A Dolly Neighbor Visit With Jason R Keef!

Today we have a visit from one of our dolly world neighbors Jason R Keef. If you don't already know Jason he is one of the most fantastic doll personalities on You tube and someone I hope you will all follow! Jason has kindly agreed to share a bit of his doll collecting story with us today....

"I started collecting dolls nearly 10 years ago. My mother actually bought me my first collector doll. It was Grease Anniversary Sandy doll. Over time I would purchase a doll here and there to add to my small collection. I really got the collecting bug when I started buying Monster High dolls. I loved the message of Monster High...the message of diversity really stuck with me and I was hooked."

What is your favorite thing about doll play?
" My favorite thing about doll play is that creativity and imagination knows no boundaries. I love the idea of hairstyling, fashion, and playsets. A child can allow their doll to do pretty much anything they want to. I also think for young kids that doll play can also feed that nurturing side of humanity. You have something to take care of."

What is your favorite doll and why? 
"My favorite doll is my Astronaut Barbie doll from the 1980s. When I was younger I asked for one for years but never got it. A friend of mine actually bought her for me for my birthday this past year...which makes the doll incredibly special and nostalgic."

"What would I like your readers to know about my dolls, my work, and yourself....Regarding my dolls, my collection is very eccentric. I collect everything from American Girl dolls to Lalaloopsy dolls. I have dolls that are worth lots of money and I have dolls that are just cheaper and cute. If I like a doll, I'm gonna get it. The only downfall with that is that I'm what they call a "completist"...If i buy one, I have to have them ALL!"

 "I've been much better about that as of late thought !  Regarding my work...well I'm involved in social media. My YouTube channel gives kids and adults a place where they are free to be themselves. I get to play with my dolls and toys and take people out of the reality that this world isn't always gonna be so nice."

 "It's fun to share my hobby with them. Regarding me...I was severely bullied growing up. I didn't have that role model to help guide me and make me feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm so happy that I have the opportunity to be that role model for a younger generation that I never had."

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit us today  Jason. Your work in the dolly world is so inspiring and important!  We are so very thrilled to have had you as our first "Who Are The People In Your Dolly Neighborhood Interview" and  We hope that all of you will check out Jason's work and his passion for collecting by clicking the links below!

You can find Jason on:

 INSTAGRAM @jasonrobertkeef

 Now it is your turn! If you would like to share your story with us please email me at
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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