
Sunday, January 11, 2015

A Dolly Neighbor Visit With Nate Utube

 Today I bring you a "Who are the people in your Dolly Neighborhood" interview with Nate Utube. I invited Nate to share his story with us today.

Thank you Nate for agreeing to share with us today! Can you tell us how you got started collecting dolls?

"I started collecting in November of 2007 because i had been getting the catalogs for ag for months and just fell in love with the Just Like You dolls!"

Do you collect only American Girl Dolls?
"I have a lot of dolls so I will just list the brands: American Girl, Our Generation, and Bitty Baby."

"I am hoping to add Grace, Mia ,Nikki, and Addy to my collection"

 Nate do you find it difficult gaining acceptance as a male doll collector?
"I do not find it hard being a male doll collector because all the agtubers and agig are extremely kind and accepting" 
 That is wonderful to hear!

Is there anything you would like my readers to know?
"I want everyone to know that my parents are extremely accepting of my hobbies and that I will be selling  doll sized agtube tshirts in my Etsy shop !"
"My shirts will be able to be bought on etsy for 10 dollars plus shipping, USA and Canada Only!"
Click Here to Order one of Nate's Doll Shirts
One last question Nate. Is there anyone in the Dolly World you would like to meet?
"If I could meet anyone it would be agsmiless and gotys!"

Thank you Nate for joining us today and letting us get to know you better!
Now it is your turn, if you would like to share your story with us please email me at 
As with all our posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! It's so nice of you to introduce us to Nate. Keep up the great collecting, Nate!
