
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Knitting Without Tears

So today I am sharing a book I am thinking about for myself. If you remember from my New Years Resolution's Post I really would like to knit a doll hat this year. I am at a loss of where to start and pretty intimidated. Then I saw this book.KNITTING WITHOUT TEARS. I have to tell you that I have shed many tears in trying to learn this time honored talent and this book is calling to me. The Book Depository is offering it currently at  $12.65 ($15.64 CND).
I learned how to cast on an knit in 2010 but my skills have not progressed passed a few crooked baby doll blankets and two doll sweaters so I think I am going to order and give this one a try.  Especially when I see the wonderful year of knitting post from earlier today. I am both inspired and encouraged that I may actually get that hat made this year!
To order this one for yourself from the Book Depository please click here.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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