
Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday's Are For Mysteries

Monday's are for Mysteries I have decided! So this new Monday feature I will be highlighting some of my favorite American Girl Mystery Books. Today is a Kit Mystery, Intruders at Rivermead Manor
These mystery books are a great read for any historical doll lover and mystery lover a like. My personal favorites are the Samantha mysteries but there are so many wonderful books and titles in all the historical lines that I recommend. This story features Kit, an old mansion, an old friend and a secret room! Check it out on The Book Depository offered at $7.47 and free shipping by clicking here.
If you have read any of these wonderful mysteries like I have you know they can be so addicting! Be sure to check back next Monday to see what American Girl Mystery we feature next!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Karen, Check out AG - they have a lot of their books on sale ($2.74 or less)- but you do have to pay shipping. It does equal out though - if you purchase a few of them ^_^.
