
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Journey Girls Paris Set A Madelon Fun Find!

Did you know 2013 was the year of Paris for the Journey Girl? Today Madelon shares with us her Paris Play Set.  "I didn't buy a lot of their items for my daughter as the dolls are so much slimmer than the American Girl dolls. I had purchased this fashion accessory set which I am opening for the first time today."

The back of the box tells of the Journey Girl's Adventure.

"It comes with a pearl bracelet, fancy headband, pink jacket, wristlet purse with Paris Opera House tickets, a Swan Lake program and a souvenir"

 This set goes so well with the preemie dress Madelon found!

Such a beautiful set!
You may still be able to find this set in store or on line! What a great play set! Thank you Madelon for sharing it with us today!
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1 comment:

  1. The combined dress with accessories is really stunning. A great way to use the Paris set. I'm glad you were finally able to open it. ;-)
