
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Looking To Keep Track? Check This Book Out!

I have a lot of dolls. I don't always remember which ones and where they came from and how long I have had them. Actually my niece asked me "How many dolls do you have Aunty?" and my response was "We don't ask that question when your Uncle is home". But it did get me thinking about keeping better track. All my dolls are loved and played with not on display but I do consider myself a collector and found this fantastic book and look who is on the cover but my very own Samantha, well okay not mine but I think this book needs to come to live at my house for inventory purposes! Check out A Doll Collector's Record Book, A Guide to Managing Your Collection by clicking here.
Let me know when you get yours so we can form our own on line club!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

1 comment:

  1. I, too, enjoy my dolls. When I was growing up (the '50s), my dad kept track of my dolls and thought my collection of 30 (including shelf dolls) was way too many. My mother continued to indulge my love of dolls anyway. Now it's my husband who keeps count.

    Yes, I'll buy that book and let you know . . .
