
Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Healing Power of Doll Play A Special Dolly Neighbor Visit With My Friend Pamela Fox

 Today it is my great pleasure to share with you a Dolly Neighbor visit with my Friend Pam Fox. 
Pam is a friend of mine who is fighting breast cancer with the help of her doll friends!
Let's talk about the healing power of doll play. Do you mind sharing with my readers a bit about how you and Gracie became a team?

"First to start out I have always loved dolls and my Dad gave me my first American Girl Doll (Samantha) when My daughters first started collecting. I didn't have much growing up and this meant a lot to me coming from my dad. Well fast forward I have a friend through Church that got me back into my dolls a couple years ago (life had gotten to busy with teenagers and daughters were getting "to big" to Play with dolls (but they kept them out to admire)) So in my joy of "Playing" with my dolls again (setting up displays and photographing) My friend added me to some different doll groups. Thus my Love for Doll Play, especially the American Girl Dolls at the moment. Well my family all know how much I love these dolls decided to all pitch in to buy me one with no hair when I found out that I had Breast Cancer.  Hearing those words was the scariest thing to happen to me in my life. And Having this doll has helped me get through it by giving me something to focus on besides the Surgeries, the Cancer and the Treatments. I call her Gracie but her full name is GraceLynn Angelina Nevaeh. GraceLynn for God's Grace in my life (Lynn is my middle name),  Angelina is for Angels watching over me, and Nevaeh is Heaven heaven spelled backwards or as I like to think: my life as a REFLECTION of what God has done in, through, and for me to prepare me for Heaven.  Gracie goes almost everywhere with me!"

What has been the reaction you get when you and Gracie Travel to your appointments and in public?

"Majority people just stare or pay no attention, but I have been able to share my story with some and those I have been able to share with seem touched by it. So she has opened conversation about what I am going through and about life in general.  At the clinic the nurses and front desk staff enjoy seeing the different outfits that I have either been given or have had. I have kept a journal on Caring Bridge and Facebook of my journey through breast cancer. Part of this I have shared pictures of Gracie in some of our outings and treatments." 

Finish this sentence....Having Gracie as my constant companion is a reminder that ..." Life is short and I am loved. She reminds me to love others and that even when life is hard we can still find joy in the journey."

Tell me about the support you feel from the Dolly World in your recovery and journey. 

"The support from the Dolly World has been Huge!  From making new close friends that I hope to meet someday to financial help so that my husband was able to focus more on helping me through this physically and mentally and worry less about the finances.  There is a group of friends that are involved in a group called Dolls for a Cause. They make doll clothes and auction them off to help different charities or people for different causes. In September they focused on Breast Cancer and decided that  they would donate to proceeds to us to help us out financially. I felt so humbled by this... And was amazed at the out pouring of love and support that came through this. From being able to make our house payment when we were at our lowest for income ever, to the surprise gifts and packages that were sent to brighten my day. "

Thank you Pam for sharing your journey and how doll play has Healing Powers! We are wishing you all the best and think of you often! If you would like to help us help Pamela on her journey and meet her goal a Fundraising Page is up and can be viewed by clicking here
Now it is your turn to share your story with all of us. Email me at for more info!
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please email us at


  1. I'm really enjoying your Dolly Neighbors series.

  2. As the friend that got Pam back into dolls... it has been such a joy to watch her blossom with all the different groups she is in.. Love you Pam
    Thanks Karen for all you do too.. you are one special Lady!!

  3. As one of those Dolls For A Cause members that has had the pleasure of getting to know Pam through everything, I hope to make it to her hometown, in the very near future, to finally meet her face to face, along with Kath and Katie! :-D I ca hardly wait to meet this beautiful, strong, and inspiring woman I call my friend! Love ya!♡

  4. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2006. My fellow doll collectors were my biggest support group. I am not sure if it is because most doll collectors are women or if doll people are by nature kinder and more nurturing. What I do know is that I could not have asked for a better support group. WTG Pam!
