
Friday, March 6, 2015

A Dolly World Visit With Grace of Felicia's Kitchen

Today I am thrilled to bring you another Canadian Doll Lover, Food designer and Fantastic Aunty ! Grace of Felicia's Kitchen share with us a behind the scenes look at her dolls, her passion and her Etsy shop.

Tell us about yourself Grace...

"My name is Grace and I am a self-confessed American Girl enthusiast! Our AG journey started in July of 
2014 and from then it has exploded.This AG journey was helped with the creative team at Doll Diaries and Karen’s Mom of Three blog. I love these blogs. I learned that I could do most everything with stuff around the house!I only have a niece that I spoil terribly and my creativeness came out with her requests for different types of doll food. My refusal to spend money on something I was so sure I could make is how I got started making my doll food. It started with a corn-dog, then donuts, then we are now on to full sized cakes, burger, tacos and spaghetti! "

"Last week – the request was for carnival themed food… thinking Tiny Tom’s sugared donuts, large pretzels amongst other things.
 What dolls do you have?
"We currently have two dolls Felicia (MyAG #47) and Isabelle. The name of my ETSY store is Feliciaskitchen as everything in there is a request from Felicia!"

 Any plans to add to your doll family?
" We are going to be getting Grace Thomas for my birthday in May and I am going to be doing a full line of French patisserie items!"

What is your favorite thing to do with your nieces?
"My favorite things to do with my niece and our little friends is when we craft and make stuff for the dolls; whether it’s to renovate the doll house or to make something small. I love creating! I also love to play in our bakery. I also truly enjoy seeing my niece’s creativeness come out!"
 What is the best part of sharing doll play with your nieces?
"The best part about sharing my love of AG with my niece is that we share special memories together."

 You can find out more about Grace and Felicia's kitchen below:
Find Grace's & Felicia's  Shop news on Facebook by clicking here 

Shop Felicia's Kitchen Etsy shop by clicking here 
Thank you to Grace and Felicia for sharing their story with us today! 
Now it is your turn to share your story with us. Email me at for more information.
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