
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Getting Ready For CAMP DOLL DIARIES! Come See My Camp Sign Tutorial!

I am truly excited for Camp and over on Doll Diaries I have shared my Welcome To Camp sign that you can easily make for your own dolls to get ready for Camp! Click here for my tutorial.
If you are new to my website Doll Diaries is a website I write for and we have an amazing team who put together an on line Doll Camp that is FREE, we share free camp crafts and ideas to make your summer doll play that much more enjoyable! I hope you will join us again this year for camp! Please tell your friends and spread the word! Click here to learn more. Watch for more Camp Doll Diaries information and events coming soon!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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