
Saturday, May 9, 2015

New Contest On Mini Me Dolly Diva's Facebook Page!

Time to announce a newTshirt design contest from Mini Me Dolly Diva!
See Below For Rules From Mini Me Dolly Diva's Facebook Contest!
You must be 18 years old to enter or have a parent enter for you. I am looking for fun original ideas. You can post a picture of a shirt or just write a brief description... draw it... They must include no trademarked items as much as we would all like a doll size Tinkerbell shirt her image is owned by disney and I can not legally give you one. I always look for something original. Something not seen in doll size and is different than what I have made in the past. I love things that are current. FB memes maybe? Just like this post plus comment your ideas to this post.If I have more than 20 different people enter I will not only send the winner a doll size version I will also make them a people size one.You can send up to 4 entries each. I hope you all enter. Contest ends next Saturday. I with the help of my daughter will choose a winner on Monday. Thanks everyone for your continued support. To Enter to win you can contact Dacia by commenting on the post on her Facebook Fan Page By Clicking here.
Good Luck! 

As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at  

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