
Monday, May 18, 2015

Please Vote For My Blog For VancouverMom.Ca's Top Blogger Prize!

Today I would like to ask for your support. One of you lovely readers has nominated me for a Top Blogger award here in Vancouver where I live and I have been named one of Vancouver's top 30 Mom Bloggers! I am so honored to be included in this group. There are some prizes I can win based on votes from my readers and I am hoping that I can count on your support. To vote you need to click here and cast a quick ballot for Karen Owen, Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog.

It is such an honor to be nominated and while a prize would be lovely I am just so thrilled to have been nominated by you wonderful readers. You can cast a vote for my blog once a week for the next two weeks. Thank you again for your time and for joining us here for our daily doll posts.
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at


  1. You have my vote (actually my votes, as I also voted the last time you posted about this!). Good luck!

  2. I will be voting for you every week, now we are home from holidays. You do a fantastic job, Karen!
