
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rhonda's Doll Cereal. Now Why Did I Not Think Of That?

My friend in the Dolly World Rhonda has come up with some wonderful dolly ideas and this one is one I wish I had thought of sooner! Check out Rhonda's Doll Cereal made from some very simple ingredients!
Rhonda used Pony Beads, Caulk and a recycled applesauce bowl to create this perfect doll sized Fruit Loop Cereal. I love how it turned out don't you?
To be up to date on all Rhonda is up to please click here for Miss M Doll Talk on Facebook.
Thank you Rhonda for sharing this idea with us!
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1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Goodness! That is perfect. :) Thank you for sharing,
