
Monday, June 8, 2015

Come See My Make It Monday Craft tutorial!

It is Make It Monday! Click here to see my tutorial for a pail your dolls can take to the beach! I had fun making these little red buckets and I hope you will like them as well! I would love to see your finished products!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Karen!! You are SO CLEVER!! How fun is this craft?!

    Your link did not work, but I was able to do a search and find your tutorial. It is AWESOME!!

    I only have one question: What size are the cups that you used? I tried to enlarge the picture, but could not read the size.

    Thank you for your help!!


    1. Thank you Judy! I have fixed the link sorry it did not work for you the first Time. I used mini solo cups that are about the size of shot glasses.
