
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Never To Early To Think A Head To The Holidays!

Today Madeon shares with us a stunning dress she found. " This American Princess  dress was designed for a baby, but the color and sparkle caught my eye.  Purple is popular now in the Truly Me line at AG. Wouldn't it be fun to have a holiday dress in an unusual shade?"
While we admire this truly wonderful fun find of a dress worth of an American Girl Doll Holiday dress can we take a moment to enjoy the beautiful American Girl Doll now apart of Madelon's Doll family! Look at the beautiful highlights in her wig and the blue eyes!
While we anxiously await the arrival of the holiday releases at American Girl let us admire the skill and talent of Madelon's truly wonderful repurposed fun finds! 
Thank you Madelon for constantly inspiring us with your fun finds.
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at

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