
Monday, September 21, 2015

A Great Sweater And Shop For Your Dolls! Check Out Kaitlyn's Doll Closet !

I am cold this morning, I am wearing a sweater, a shirt and my jeans it is possibly my very favorite time of year! This morning on Etsy I was thrilled to see this adorable sweater from Kaitlyn Nicole's Etsy Shop called Kaitlyn's Doll Closet
This purple flowy cardigan is perfectly priced at $10!
Check out Kaitlyn Nicole's Etsy shop Kaitlyn's Doll Closet by clicking here. I loved every item in this shop! 
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Oh my goodness!!! Thank you sooo much for recognizing my shop! It means a ton to me! :D

    1. Well showcasing shops like yours and surprising them means a lot to me! Thank you for coming by and commenting. I think your shop is off to a great start!
