
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Broken Dolls Healing Hearts A Canadian Project To Pay Attention To

Today I wanted to share about a wonderful Canadian program that is very close to my heart. Broken Dolls Healing Hearts in Ontario Canada is making a difference in the lives of children in Canada.
Today I have asked them to share with us a bit about their program and how and why it is so important. Growing up in a Foster home myself this is truly a needed and important project. I am currently filling my own box to send to Broken Dolls Healing Hearts. In my own experience and after more then 40 foster children that were in my own life I can tell you first hand that it is true, the trauma and stigma has not changed in years. I invite you to read on and learn more about you can help these children.

"What made me start Broken dolls Healing Hearts ...? My life has been one that has been travelled. There were times the loneliness hurt beyond what a child should ever feel , the pain unbearable that at the age of 10 you pray to God to end it ...Imagine if you can : the unloveable child ..even your own mother did,not love you, abused in every way imaginable,, moving from home to home ..owning nothing ,only really wanting someone ,something to hold or to hug."

"The life of a foster child in Canada ..I do what I do. Many years ago I promised that little 10 year old girl if I lived to be an adult I would try and save just one child, I would make one child smile to make a difference. I grew up and she became a foster parent. Being a foster child had not changed that much from when I was a child. As every child that came to my home a Teddy Bear or a doll was placed on the bed before they arrived...Broken Dolls Healing Hearts was forming. Almost 3 years ago I started growing the program. The first year we did up over 60 packages at Christmas that went to foster Children.

"Around that time I started Trish's Corner which are care packages that we do up for children who have suffered some sort of Trauma whether medical,or death of a family member.Trisha is a 6 year old who has Cerebral Palsy our countless trips to hospitals ,doctors ect opened my eyes to the trauma that children with medical issues go through... This is a huge passion to put smiles on a child,s face if only for a moment , The medical packages are quite large , they are everything a child needs or may need for trips to the hospital all items in these care packages are new due to medical issues, these are done once a month a child is nominated and their nomination stays open for a month ...after a month they are picked up ,or delivered locally , or the package is boxed up and sent through the post office."

"Foster Care packages are done up at Christmas and delivered to Foster Care Agencies...this year over 100 Foster care packages were delivered and 17 medical care packages ..we also nominated a young family, with 3 boys who's dad is going through Cancer. "

"Most of the dolls I work on are soft bodied dolls ( they are more huggable ) journey dolls, our generation , American girl, our life , basically anything with a soft body. We also take build a bears and New teddy Bears. It is an amazing feeling watching a child smile ...making the world a good place even for a minute."

"The first care package I was involved with was a 6 year old girl that had a brain tumour. Her 10 month journey was a painfully one , but when this little girl received her doll in the mail, it brought the biggest smile to her face and for that moment she was just a little girl ! Anyone,anywhere can nominate a child ... We will find a way to get it to them .Right now we have a big shortage of quilts and blankets for children, quilts and Blankets for dolls, pillows and pillow cases for dolls ,dolls clothes for 18 inch dolls.We need all the help we can get, however we do not take money only doll items. If you are moved to join our journey and feel you would like to help in anyway it would be appreciated."

You can find them on Facebook by clicking here.
Donations can be sent to Broken Dolls Healing Hearts 42 Strathcona Ave Thunder Bay, Ontario P7A-1R9

I would like to thank the Broken Dolls Healing Hearts team for joining us today and for the work they do. Thank you for reading today's post. As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Thanks for this Karen! Exactly what i have been searching for.

  2. Aww, this made me tear up big time. I love their passion for putting smiles on children's faces. Thanks for sharing!

    ginnie /

  3. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for telling us about it.
