
Friday, October 18, 2013

Fairy Tale High Dolls

Have you heard about Fairy Tale High Dolls Yet? If not here is a sneak peak for you. Recently these  three beautifully articulated dolls arrived at my door and I am so excited to share them with you today.
The first thing I did when the dolls arrived was check out their QR code on the packages with my Iphone and watched the webisode clips on 
I loved the episodes the QR codes took us too and love the theme song. For me the QR codes are like the prize at the bottom of a cereal box, only better!

Before I opened the dolls I wanted to find out as much about Fairy Tale High and the stories behind each doll. I love that Fairy Tale High Dolls all come with  their own story. Each story can be read on line as an E-book!  The stories were engaging, true to each character (as we have come to know them as their princess selves) but each story takes place before the Happily Ever After. Each doll is dealing with real life issues in their adjustment to attending Fairy Tale High.

Little Mermaid known as "M" in this series is beautifully costumed and coiffed! I love her streaked hair and outfit. She has such pretty lips and her long fish net stocking covered legs really give her a look I think tween doll lovers will enjoy! Her story of being different then other girls is a story I think many tween girls will relate to and enjoy.
Teen Alice...I am so delighted by teen Alice also a new character to Fairy Tale High, finding herself far away from home and making new friends, Teen Alice's Story is one I know girls are going to love. She is spending this semester learning about herself, her family and her new friends. Her story is one of my favorites!
Saving my favorite doll until the last of my Teen Fairy Tale Dolls is Tinker Bell. I love fairies and I think that Teen Tink is a great doll. I love how you can adjust each doll and how expressive they can look because of it. Teen Tink has a great bob style hair cut and her green high top running shoes are some of my favorite features. Her story is also one young readers are going to enjoy. I like that her wings are detachable from her outfit, making it really easy for her to switch outfits with her Teen Fairy Tale Friends. I also love how easy it is to change the dolls shoes!

Each of the Fairy Tale High Dolls comes with her own E book story that I highly recommend reading. There are currently 8 Fairy Tale Friends you can bring home and enjoy. These beautiful dolls are priced under $20 and are available now. You can find them in store (USA Only currently) and on line at You can also find them on Facebook  by clicking here. They are also on Twitter @FairyTaleHS .

Follow them on Pinterest by clicking here
 Check out webisodes on Youtube by clicking here
I love the photo's posted on their Facebook Fan Page. Check them out by clicking here !
 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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