
Monday, November 25, 2013

Mini Monday-A Home For The Holidays

I love this time of year when I pull out the little mini houses, though the ones I use for decoration are breakable, I have found these wonderful cardboard houses at my local dollar store that double as mini doll storage.
My nieces have been fascinated with the little breakable houses for as long as I can remember so these cardboard houses have been a welcome addition to play time!
Each house has a theme, I have a "Christmas House", A "Heart House" that is Spring like and A "Summer Beach" house that is a personal favorite. I do have a Halloween House as well but I already put it away.

The inside of each house is tall enough for the dolls to stand in. The outside provides a fun back drop as well!

These little houses cost me $2-$3 Each and I found them in my local Dollarama. They had new styles for this holiday season and I picked up two for my local nieces for Christmas this year, with my youngest niece Thea asking for Mini Emily which I ordered from The Book Depository. I thought her first Mini doll should have a home of her own for the holidays! My niece Laura shown this summer playing with the mini houses, has a collection of mini dolls of her own and so they don't fight I got them each the same house, slightly different from my own. I can not wait to give it to them on Christmas Eve!

Keep your eyes out for these little houses at your Dollar stores and keep me posted on your holiday mini doll fun finds!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. How cute! I store my mini doll clothes in a mason jar. That way I can see everything without dumping it all out... though sometimes I do that anyways.;)

  2. Those are cute gotta see if I can find them around here any where!!
