
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Crochet Tutorial! Create Your Own Scarf of Hundreds of Chain's Inspired by WWW.DELIACREATES.COM

Jessica T, sends me some pretty amazing links. She has recently taken up crochet and sent me some links to help me achieve one of my New Years Resolutions from Last year, learning to crochet.

Jessica T found's tutorial for a scarf of A Thousand Chains. When I saw it I knew I had to try it, but A thousand chains? I thought no way I will be lucky if I can figure out ten! But I had to try. THE TUTORIAL IS FANTASTIC! Click here for's original tutorial.
I am living proof that even if you are left handed and all thumbs you can make this scarf for your dolls. I just started chaining and kept going for about 30 minutes.
I crochet chained while watching tv, when I got a long enough chain wrapped it around my dolls neck to see how much more I needed to do. It was not much. I then tied the scarf off like the tutorial on and then I tied a string around my scarf where I wanted to put a felt, tie. In the tutorial on she used leather but I had felt on hand.

I cut a 1 1/2 inch strip of felt, and plugged in my glue gun. I wrapped the felt around the knot I made.
I then embellished the felt with a button from Buttons Galore & More
I then put the finished scarf on my doll Ivy!
Thank you Jessica T for sending this tutorial from my way! I had fun putting my own dolly spin on it and I got to complete one of my New Years Resolutions!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Thank you! My (also left-handed) daughter is learning to crochet, but so far has only mastered the chain stitch. She loves to do it, but I haven't found many projects to use up those chains. This will be perfect!

  2. I am so glad! I really liked making this one and I hope to master more then the chain in the new year! Thank you for taking time to comment.

  3. Yours turned out so adorable! I love the t-shirt also.

  4. Thank you! The T shirt was an easy make, plain white t shirt and a felt sticker from Michaels. I got the stickers on clearance last year for l think 50 cents each!
