
Monday, June 19, 2017

Mommy Monday Moment with Jenny

A quick review of the projects from last week.  I was able to complete both of my thrift shop/ barn sale finds.  I absolutely love how the sewing table turned out, just adorable.  Ha! and it still has the barn smell in the small little front drawer.  that is me, everything needed to be done yesterday!  

The desk, I did in a similar finish, as it is in the same room.  My husband caught our six year old son, Nathan, running his hand across the top of it last night and said, "This is gorgeous!"  You can certainly tell he lives in a house with five ladies.  I was also able to successfully sew Lea's hair back into the mesh, so she has been officially cleared and checked out.

This week was filled with softball, girl scout ceremonies, zoo field trip, pitching machines, a lot ice cream (loving me some brownie cyclone), and summer well visits at the doctors.  As I've said before, doll play is important.  Play - in general is a child's WORK.  Now throwing a variety of toys on the floor and tossing them in the center doesn't allow for that critical piece of connecting and bonding with your child.  

Parents NEED to make time to play with their child.  In today's world it is hard to always find the time to lay on the floor and just play.  This brings me to my key point for today.  YOU are your child's first teacher.  Much of their learning happens through play, that doesn't include electronics.  It develops through that "old fashion" play, you know the kind with toys that you can physically touch and manipulate.  Natty had her well visit this week, she needed shots. 

 Now my husband says I am bad at frontloading our kids, but I believe they should know what's going on, they are little people that need honesty and explaining.  I thought, what could I do to help Natalie understand what would happen at the doctors?  I snagged her doctors kit from Nathan's room, and the book, Corduroy  Goes to the Doctors, and scooped up Emmy.  We read through the story together in our little ball pit and matched up the doctor's instruments with the pictures in the story.  We decided Emmy needed to go to the doctors for a shot.  I tried to explain, in my best two year old explanation, that shots keep of from getting sick, seems backwards I am sure.  The whole trip to the doctors she gave Emmy shots, "Emmy sick, Emmy sick." Did she completely understand? No, not exactly.  Did she cry? Sure, of course, that is also her job.  But I was honest, she played, she learned, and when she peeled the sticker of the backing, the tears subsided, and the sticker was stuck to her knee.  Connect, bond, play.  Play is important, with you, alone, parallel, siblings, and friends.  This is for all ages.  Remember I am five kids deep here, try to take individual time each day, for each child - remember they chose you, help them learn through play.

Thank you Jenny! Visit her Etsy Shop Rita Pita Boutique by clicking here. We would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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