
Monday, August 13, 2012

A great give away from Madi Grace Designs!

If you are a regular reader of my blog you know I love the 6 inch mini dolls from American Girl and now Madi Grace Designs has created a wonderful bed and bedding, for our mini dolls and they are offering one of my *American readers the chance to win one of their own. To enter to win please visit Madi Grace Designs Etsy Shop  send me an email at letting me know what you liked in their shop and what items you would like to see them make for doll play. *Please make sure you have your parents permission to enter this contest and that you live in the USA.* While I would like to offer this prize to all my readers unfortunately the cost of international shipping of this item is to high.

For those of you who would like to order your own 6 inch doll bed click here to see the shop listing on Madi Grace Designs Etsy shop. This  bed for 6 inch dolls is "made out of pine wood and painted in a fresh white, this simple mini doll bed would be perfect for any mini American Girl or other 6" doll. This bed includes a tufted mattress made in your choice of solid pink or white fabric. Pictured (but not included in this listing) is the mini "Pink Butterflies" bedding. Custom bedding options available upon request-please contact us if you'd like to include a bedding set with your order."

These mini beds are perfect for American Girl birthday parties too! Order them unfinished and watch the creativity bloom as your party girls paint and decorate their own! What an adorable craft and take home item for your guests. Pricing will depend on quantity ordered, please contact us about this special offer."

 So if you would like to win your own 6 inch doll bed from Madi Grace Designs visit their Etsy shop, let me know what you liked best and what you would like to see in their shop and I will enter you in the contest. Contest runs August 13th-September 15th 2012
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Wow! What beautiful, quality items especially the furniture. I would love to see more stuff for the 6" dolls since I don't think they get enough companies making stuff for their size.

  2. Its looking so beautiful, I love you collection and you doll and her dresses awesome. Bargain Bedding

  3. I would like to see mini doll pjs! And more couches! I would love to enter!

  4. I love the mini farmhouse bed! All the furniture is great! It is hard to find anything for the mini dolls, so I would love to see more mini doll clothes!
