
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brandy's Doll Boutique , J&J Fashion Boutique!

Brandy has sent me photos from the Doll Boutique she and her girls put together using items they had on hand and some very clever doll play creations.

Using her very versatile Tiki Hut from Payne Street  Brandy can transform it into almost anything!
Today she has made it into a Doll Boutique.
Using her hand made screen she has used magnet hooks to hang the doll purses

The back side is a change room! Brilliant!
To make her earring tree Brandy used a craft wood box...added some soft sponge
foam...punctured holes with a needle and added the earrings. 
I love how the shoes are displayed and this mirrored drawer is darling!
I love how she dressed up this bag and added a label of the stores name! LOVE IT!

Thank you Brandy for sharing this great doll play idea with us today.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at


  1. Hi Karen,you are awesome,love your blog,I followed you,I work with fashion dolls like Barbie,here is my blog I would really appreciate if you could follow me,it would be such an honour !!:)Thanks.

  2. That's so cool! I may need to set up a boutique for my dolls. Thanks for posting this!!!

    ~ S ~

  3. Thank you both! Pam I am now following you. Thank you for the link!

  4. Loved your blog,your crafts are awesome I would love to try them all :) Please follow me at: I really like the shopping bag with labelled the shop's name!!! You really deserve to recieve the Versatile Blogger Award as you are quite versatile :)

    From AG Girl Forever

  5. Thank you. I am now following your blog as well.
