In the dolly world of Knitting no one is known as well for their knitting books as Nicky Epstein. Her intricate patterns and beautifully photographed books are something to behold! I have at least on of her books waiting on my lack of talent to catch up. As I am looking and hoping to create a knit hat for my dolls this year I was drawn to the cover of this book. Knits For Dolls has 25 projects included for 18 inch dolls is a very good deal for only $13.22 US ($16.56 CND)
Consider this book by clicking here for your next knit projects.
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Welcome to our blog! We here at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog are passionate about doll play. We love our dolls big and small and creating for them. Our passion is sharing what we know with those who love dolls or who have a doll lover in their lives. We are pleased to have you join us and we hope you share with a friend.
I don't knit much but learned to crochet when I was about ten making clothes for my family of diminutive dolls, mostly Vogue's Ginny, Jill, and Ginnette. I still love to make doll clothes. I have Nicky Epstein's Crochet for Dolls. The beautiful faces of her models, Madame Alexander's Favorite Friends dolls, convinced me to buy one. I've only tried one pattern from that book, and I would say they aren't exactly for the beginner, though I wouldn't discourage anyone from trying. After all, I learned to crochet using thread (more difficult than yarn) because I was highly motivated to make clothes for my little family.