Today I am sharing some fun Etsy Finds for Birthday Cakes perfect for Doll Collectors, Doll lovers and those who have doll play in mind. These tiny creations of art are as detailed as the real thing and just a sweet! I loved this Pink cake offered by Lillyvictoria Etsy Shop, click here to view this shop and listing.
My Girl Clothing Co has a delightful cake that reminds me of the ones my mom used to pick up from our super market when I was growing up. Click here for this listing
This is a fun listing for play food cake from Dreamy Dolls Life, two slices come cut and the cake is cute too! Click here of shop and listing.
Thank you for joining me here for day 4!
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Welcome to our blog! We here at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog are passionate about doll play. We love our dolls big and small and creating for them. Our passion is sharing what we know with those who love dolls or who have a doll lover in their lives. We are pleased to have you join us and we hope you share with a friend.
Both cakes look delicious!