Craft Gossip sent me this in their newsletter this week and I had to share. I love sewing for dolls and having patterns that are easy and fast are important to me. So when I sat this one I knew I had to share. You can use this as a dress or you can use it as a night gown. This is the perfect pattern to create party favors for that dolly sleepover party you were thinking of throwing or a great scrap buster pattern for all the left over holiday print fabrics you might have. Happy Sewing this Sunday! Click here for the pattern and original Craft Gossip Post.
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Welcome to our blog! We here at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog are passionate about doll play. We love our dolls big and small and creating for them. Our passion is sharing what we know with those who love dolls or who have a doll lover in their lives. We are pleased to have you join us and we hope you share with a friend.
It 's a very cute pattern. I think our Christmas poinsettia dress follows this pattern.