I know this is not a craft for a doll but with all the recent events in the world I think it is important to always be prepared. Where I live we have been told for years to get ready for a big earth quake. The last earth quake I remember feeling was in 2001 after my oldest son was born. I was upstairs in our apartment getting something from the fridge, while my husband and son were down stairs waiting in the car. It was a frightening experience, especially as a new mom. My cell phone did not work immediately. That was a very small earth quake, and in time I quickly forgot about it. With the events in New Zea land and Japan it has become clear that being more prepared for a natural disaster of any kind is a good idea. Building an emergency kit can be expensive especially if you buy on ready made. Building your own is a great idea. I heard on my local news that if you are building one to add something to it every Sunday until you kit is ready.This seems less stressful and a smart idea. The most important thing to remember is that this is a safety kit you hopefully will not need, but you do need to remember to include items that you will need for at least 3 days.
Here is a list of items that are recommended for the kit
Bottled Water
A crescent wrench to turn off the gas in your house
A can openner (non electric)
A first aid kit that includes anitbiotic cream and 3 days worth of any medications you may need
Three complete changes of clothes for each member of your family including a second pair of shoes
Non perishable food for three days
Flash lights and extra batteries
A radio
dust masks for every member of your family
A list of medications, phone numbers and copies of birth certificates and pasports
Money as debit and credit cards will likely not work
A camping stove
Matches or lighter
A pen, paper and crayons
A tarp/tent
There are many more things you can add to your kit these are just a few examples of items to have on hand. It is recommended that you place all items in a large plastic container and keep it in a safe place that is easy to access. I truly hope that none of us will need one soon but better safe then sorry. As with all posts I would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave a comment or email me at

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