Why not make your doll some lemon pie, if you are not in to making your own you can find some amazing ones for sale on Etsy. My favorite Lemon Pie on Etsy is from SarahsSweetShop. Shown below. It is $5.00 US and only $2.00 US shipping to the USA or $2.50 to Canada.
If you would prefer to make your own here is a Felt Lemon Pie I made.
I used one of the left over pie plates and traced the pie plate on my yellow felt, creating a large circle. Then I cut it out, got some fiber fill, (you can use anything to stuff the pie, paper scraps etc) and plugged my glue gun in.
Then I placed the stuffing in the tin. and ran a line of hot glue around the tin pressing the yellow circle to it all the way around. To make the mergingue I found this great tutorial at http://thehappyzombie.com/blog/?p=322 that shows how to make this amazing "whipped topping or meringue" This was my first attempt, I am happy how it turned out but I am sure I could do better with practice on the technique. Then I hot glued the topping to my pie. I am sure I could have sewed it but I am an impatient crater and like things done quickly!
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so leave a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com

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Too Cute.