Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy 4th Night of Hanukkah!

Hanukkah Poem from
Nun, gimel, heh, and shin,
See the wooden dreidel spin.
Nes gadol hayah shin,
If I'm lucky I will win!

I play with my new dreidel
upon the shiny floor.
I ask some friends to play with me-
we must have two or more.

I give the players pennies-
the same amount to each.
We sit down in a circle,
the pennies within reach.
Each player puts a penny
in the proper spot.
The middle of the circle
is what we call the pot.

Next I take the dreidel
and spin it round and round.
Which letter does it land on?
What fortune have I found?

I read the letter facing up-
it tells me how to play.
The letters are in Hebrew,
and here is what they say.

Nun means I do nothing-
I neither give nor take.
Heh means I take half the pot-
what a lucky break!

Gimel means I take it all.
It looks as if I'll win!
But I must put a penny back
when it lands on shin.

We go around the circle-
it's lots and lots of fun,
till one has all the pennies.
Then the game is done!

Nun, gimel, heh, and shin,
See the wooden dreidel spin.
Nes gadol hayah sham,
If I'm lucky I will win!
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at

A Great House For the Mini's... I Could Not Wait To Share Madelon's Inspiring Fun Find!

I know that Mini Monday is a few days away but I could not wait to share Madelon's find with you!

"I saw this wooden decorative box at Target and thought it would make a great room for the minis to celebrate. For $14.99, it turned out to be a great deal."
The possibilities for this one room doll house for the mini dolls is so inspiring! 
Create a bed room or living room for your mini dolls, or how about a one room school house?
Madelon has a knack for finding perfect items for the mini dolls, from this mini tree to the outfit that Ivy is wearing that was painstakingly removed from a Christmas Ornament!!!
Her dollar store table works perfectly to display this mini snow man for her dolls house!
I hope you are inspired to create something for the doll lover in your life this holiday season and I just love this Madelon's Fun Find! I hope you find one at your local Target! I know I am off to look for one too!
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at

Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy 3rd Night of Hanukkah

As the sun sets this evening wishing you and your family a truly blessed evening.
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at 

Sculpey Clay Tiny Ornament Blog Hop- Christmas Cupcakes That Double As Doll Treats!

Today I wanted to share a tutorial with you using Sculpey Clay that you can use as Doll Treats or as an ornament!
To create your own Sculpey Clay Cupcakes, Ornament and Ornament Hanger you will need:
-Sculpey Clay in Brown, White and Red
-Wax Paper
-Tooth Picks
-18 gauge wire or a paper clip
-Needle nose pliers
-A baking pan
-An oven
-A craft or butter knife

Step 1- Cover your work space with a sheet of wax paper. Use your craft knife to divide your brown Sculpey Clay into 8 pieces. Roll into balls.
Step 2- Take the rolled balls and shape them between your fingers into a "cupcake bottom" shape, similar to the "candy rolo", as shown in the photos above.
Step 3- Use a tooth pick to make the indentations for the cupcake wrapper. Gently press the tooth pick into your Sculpey clay, all the way around the cupcake bottom.
Step 4-  Tear off a fresh sheet of wax paper from the roll and cover the surface you will be working on. This way the color from the cupcake bottom will not transfer to your white Sculpy clay.
Step 5- Break up your white Sculpy and roll it into a long thin snake shape.
Step 6- Roll up your snake shape so it looks like a "soft serve ice cream or piped icing"
Step 7- Press the "icing onto the cupcake bottom" and repeat on your remaining "cupcake bottoms".
Step 8- To make your cupcakes an ornament to hang on your tree you will need to use your pliers to cut away a 1 1/2 inch piece of 18 gauge wire (or you can use a paper clip, unfold it and twist it like the photos shown above).
Step 9- Twist the wire with your fingers or the pliers to create a loop, insert the twisted wire end into the top of your cupcake. Leave the loop exposed. Press the Sculpey clay around the wire slightly.
Step 10- Roll a small amount of red clay between your fingers to create a cherry. Press the "cherry" between the wire loop as shown in the photos above.

Step 11- Roll a very thin snake shape of red Sculpey clay to create sprinkles. Use your craft knife or your finger nails to create " sprinkles" from the red clay snake. Gently press into your cupcake's icing.
Step 12- Rrepeat on your remaining cupcakes.

Step 1- To create an eye catching "peppermint candy" ornament hanger for your cupcake you will need to cut away 6 inches of wire from your spool.
Step 2- Make a snake from both red and white Sculpey clay. Then roll them together as shown in the photos above.
Step 3- Cut away small pieces and roll into "peppermint candy beads".
Step 4- Feed "three beads" onto the middle of your wire, use your pliers to round the edges as shown in the photos above. Create as many of these wire peppermint candy holders as you would like!

Now it is time to bake your Sculpey Ornaments, Doll Treats and Peppermint Candy Ornament hangers.
Line your baking sheet with wax paper and preheat oven to the recommended setting on the side of your Sculpey clay package. Bake your Ornaments, Doll Treats and Peppermint Candy Ornament hangers according to the thickness you have created them at and the directions on the Sculpey clay package.

Remove from the oven when baked and share with the ones you love!
Today I used clay from Sculpey I purchased at Michael's the craft store. I was surprised at how much softer and easier it is to work with then the store brand I usually buy. Today I photographed my Sisterhood In Town 18 inch doll Daniela on my American Doll Room. Christmas Tree from Walmart. The table used is one I created for my Tutorial on Doll Diaries click here to view how.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy 2nd Night of Hanukkah!

Wishing you and your family a very Happy 2nd Night of Hanukkah!

Hanukkah Poem from
Joyous Hanukkah!
Eva Grant

At last! At last! Hanukkah is here!
The whole house is bursting with holiday cheer.

Pancakes are sizzling as hard as they can,
Browning delectably crisp in the pan.

The dreidels can scarcely wait to be spun;
Presents are hidden for Hanukkah fun;

And there, on the table, polished and bright,
The shining menorah gleams through the night,

Like the oil lamp in ancient history,
That burned on and on miraculously!

And each flaming candle proclaims the great story
Of the Maccabean heroes, their deeds and their glory.

As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at 

Happy American Thanksgiving!

Today I wish all of you celebrating Thanksgiving a very enjoyable day!
Today as you set the table and share time with family and friends I thought it would be fun to share some of our previous Thanksgiving Posts with you.
No one sets a table quite like Brandy! 

Click here to see Brandy's past Thanksgiving Posts.
How about a fun turkey day tiara! Click here for my Doll Diaries Tutorial!
However you spend your Thanksgiving day today I am very thankful for all of you!
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Happy Hanukkah

This year Hanukkah is celebrated from November 27 to December 5th. As the sunsets today I wish you and your family a very Happy Hanukkah!
From all of us hear at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog.

To learn more about Hanukkah from previous posts here on my blog type in Hanukkah in the search engine or click here

Hanukkah Poem from

Let's be Happy
Malvine P. Hoenig

Let's be happy, let us cheer,
Hanukkah again is here.
All the lights are shining bright,
Isn't it a lovely sight?

You know these lights remind us
Of the time long, long ago,
When God caused one,
tiny light,
for eight long days to shine so bright.

As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at

THIS JUST IN! Black Friday Cyber Monday deals from You Can Make This.Com

I just got word that there are going to be some fantastic deals on You Can Make This.Com this week for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Buy and Download so many wonderful patterns to make for the doll lover in your life! Some great new patterns for 18 inch dolls.

 Even new patterns for Elf on the shelf! I just got this pattern and made some Pj's and a Hawaiian outfit for a friends Elf!
November 28 through December 2nd there will be:

  • $5 Deals - Over 100 patterns to choose from for just $5!
  • Spend $25 or more and get the new Whimsy Winter Bench Pillow Pattern by Kimberbell for free
  • 10% off on all orders over $40
    Patterns for all sizes of dolls, crafts, house hold, holiday and more be sure to check it out! Click here to view the featured deals! Sign up for their email too so you always get the latest scoop on fun new patterns for your dolls.  As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

Madelon's Target Fun Finds!

Madelon has some fantastic holiday costumes for dolls from Target's dollar store pet costumes section.

 First she wanted to share what was in the three dollar section - this great Christmas tree costume that makes a great doll Christmas tree skirt!
What I love is it makes a great doll costume for a dolly school play or formal parade float skirt!
Also offered is this holiday sweater for dogs that works as a sweater dress for dolls!
I do love the details on the sweater as they are not over the top Traditional Christmas colors.
The only draw back is one side which is meant to be the dogs belly is like this but its not a bad doll play deal for $1.
Madelon says she usually buys the small dog size for the costumes but you may find on the sweater the medium one may work better!
Have fun and happy holiday shopping! Please share your dolly re-purposed fun finds with us by email or by leaving a comment here.
Thank you Madelon for this wonderful fun find!
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave us a comment here or email us at

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

New Patterns! Still Time To Create Something For The Ones You Love This Season!

The ladies over at Mini Giggle Gear have just released a Classic Cardigan Crochet Pattern over in their Etsy Shop. This PDF Pattern is offered at $4.00 and is available for download by clicking here.
 Pixiefaire is offering some wonderful new patterns in time for the holiday season check out the Blue Berry Cardigan knitting pattern offered at $3.99 by clicking here
Keep your dolls feet toasty warm this season with these Kathmandu boots by Miche Designs! Pattern offered on pixiefaire also for $3.99. Click here for listing.
Love U Bunches is out with a new Bandana Blouse Pattern! What a great idea! Click here to view this pattern offered at $3.99 on Pixiefaire

A wonderful new FREE pattern for the Mini's on Ravelry is this one by Hazel Rose Spencer!
Simply darling! Click here for FREE Ravelry pattern!
 PixieFaire has just come out with the cutest free tutorial for Teeny Tiny Pot Holders for dolls! This free tutorial is on their blog and can be viewed by clicking here
These are just a few of the fun patterns available on line to create something fun for the doll lover in your life! I hope you will think about making something for yourself or the doll lover in your life this year.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at  

Monday, November 25, 2013

Madelon's Thanksgiving Fun Finds!

Madelon has an eye for finding the right items to re-purpose for doll play items today she has impressed me even more with her fun Thanksgiving finds!

In the dollar section of Target Madelon found these "table scatter" pumpkins that look like doll sized treats!
Coupled with the little turkey dish she found, this play set for $2 can be used year round in your doll play collections!
Dress up your holiday doll house decor with a scarecrow or two!
Not to forget the mini's Madelon found this doll house sized turkey dinner and pumpkins to decorate the mini doll house.

Keep your eyes out for fun finds like Madelon's for your dolls! Thank you Madelon for sharing your fun Thanksgiving finds with us today.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at