Welcome to our blog! We here at Karen Mom of Three's Craft blog are passionate about doll play. We love our dolls big and small and creating for them. Our passion is sharing what we know with those who love dolls or who have a doll lover in their lives. We are pleased to have you join us and we hope you share with a friend.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Today I had the pleasure of a preview of the American Girl Store located 10 minutes from my house, across Lions Gate Bridge here in Vancouver British Columbia!
Let me first start by saying how very impressed I was with the store, as tiny as it is it gives you an idea of what a trip into the larger flag ship sister stores to the south offer. If you have been to the AG store in Seattle let me start by saying you could fit this Vancouver store in the cafe/bistro of the Seattle store and still have room to walk around it is so small! What it lacks in size is made up in personality. I was treated to First Class service that I have come to know, respect and appreciate when in an American Girl store.
Nikki pictured above and her co-worker Bronwyn, gave myself and my camera man Oli a great tour of the store and excellent service. They both are so excited to have you come in and bring your dolls for a bit of pampering! You can expect wonderful hair styles and spa service at the Vancouver Location. You can even have your dolls ears pierced in store (AG dolls only please) At this time hearing aides can not be added to your dolls but Nikki and Bronwyn tell me that the more we ask about services, dolls, store exclusives the better, they are keeping track of our requests to let American Girl Head Office know what we are looking for!
What can you look forward to in store? A great selection of Isabelle Doll of The Year Collection including some girl sized Isabelle outfits. For 18 inch dolls, Isabelle Girl of The Year and her collection, 26 of your favorite My American Girl dolls,some furniture and accessory sets as well as beautiful Bitty Babies and accessories. Don't forget American Girl's Amazing collection of Books, located in a book store this American Girl offers a larger assortment of American Girl Books then I have seen at even the Seattle Store! Stock up on everything from Girl of the Year stories, to the wonderful line of Self Help books, Craft books & Kits and My favorite Chapter books!
I have to admit it took all my strength not to buy up the entire bitty section! So much cuteness. I MUST HAVE THE BITTY BABY TEA SET.....darn my birthday just passed...maybe for Christmas.
I was thrilled to see this set up close and it is so very well made, I had to lift up the curling iron to see it, I was so impressed with the quality and weight of each item. They also had a great selection of doll glasses and quite a few items I was surprised with how reasonably the prices were. I had heard that prices were going to be shockingly higher to that of the AG Seattle Store and I was pleasantly surprised to see how comparable the prices were. I purchased a new earring set and another hairbrush while in store and paid exactly what I would have in store in Seattle. The dolls are just a little more expensive but when I take in to account how much duties and shipping there usually is on the dolls I have to say I am impressed and feel the prices accurately reflect market value.
Now as many of you know I am Canadian. I live in Canada and I love dolls. So when I hear people trashing American Girl For opening in Canada I can only shake my head. Clearly they just don't get it. American Girl is about more then a country, it is about a movement, a return to play and to encourage and empower girls through that play, through the books and stories and quality made heirloom quality items that adapt to a girls changing needs as she grows. A baby doll to start with, well made, cuddly and soft to an 18 inch best friend doll who you can play with, love and tell your secrets too. A doll to practice hairstyling on, designing clothes for, creating for. There is so many things that people who are un happy that American Girl has opened in Canada fail to see.There is a real need and desire for the legendary service and quality that American Girl offers and has done so for more then 25 years.
I truly enjoyed my trip in to American Girl Vancouver, I feel very fortunate to have been able to make it into see it, take photos and share my experience with you. The next week should be very busy for the American Girl Store and I can not wait to take my niece Thea to see the store and pick out her birthday gift, I am hoping she chooses the tea set....
If you are in Vancouver or are planing a trip into see the new American Girl Store please let me know! I would be happy to make recommendations for your trip and maybe even pop over to join you for tea down stairs in the Starbucks!
Thank you to my guides Nikki and Bronwyn for their assistance today and for providing us with the American Girl Star treatment.
As with all our posts we would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com
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I have never been to an AG store, so I loved your post and pictures.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad you got over today, Karen! It looks like you had a great time! Your photos are wonderful!
ReplyDeleteAmerican Girl doll, Canadian Maplelea doll, British doll, Australian doll. They are all dolls! It is a marketing ploy. They are all made in China!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the innocence of doll play, and to have a whole shop dedicated to something you love wow, and so close.
ReplyDeleteI went to the Toronto Grand Opening today. My daughter was so excited. She is 13 and anything to encourage her to stay a little girl for a little longer. Girls grow up so fast and American girl books teach values and morals they are not just dolls made in china.
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant was: the dolls are not Canadian or American or British etc.. It is a marketing ploy. They are all made in China and have absolutely nothing to do with Canada or the US or Britain etc.
DeleteSo, if you buy the agd or the maplelea or whatever, you are not supporting that country except through the taxes you pay. They are not made there.
And I have dolls from a few other countries and sew and sell doll clothes for many of these 'country' dolls.
Buy whichever doll you like - do not buy because it is American, Canadian, Australian or whatever. Get the one you want!!!