I bought a Klutz book called Simple Sewing at a recent church sale and paid 50 cents for it. I bought it because it had not really even been used. It still had most of the supplies inside. When I got home I discovered there was directions on how to make an apron for a child with a Tea towel and that that got me thinking about making a matching one with a dish cloth.
So I picked up my supplies, a tea towel and matching dish cloth from the dollar store, I bought bias tape at Walmart and was ready to go.
First I folded the tea towel in half length wise. Measured in from the fold 4 inches and then from the top pf the other side down 10 inches. I used a ruler to make a mark then cut.
Then opened the bias tape package and matched the ends. Measuring 9 inches from the middle of the 'loop" creating the neck opening for the apron and attached the bias tape with my sewing machine down the cut edge on both sides.
This was so easy to do and the apron was ready to go. On my niece Laura it was too long so I folded up the bottom and created three pockets, sewing them in place with just straight stitching.
Then I set out to make a matching one for the dolls. Shown on my doll Chrissa as her doll Soccer Dolly did not come over today.
I did basically the same thing with the doll apron. I measured two inches from the fold, then 3 inches down. I allowed 4 inches for the neck and attached the bias tape the same way to the wash cloth as I did for the tea towel. I also folded up the bottom of the apron to create the matching pocket, stitching it the same way as I did the girl sized one.
Laura is thrilled to take it home and cookies for her dolls.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com

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