I love re purposing items for doll play. I found these great Cowboy hats perfect for dolls while I was in a party store in the great state of Connecticut.
This package of hats was just what I was looking for having been at the American Girl doll store the day before and my sister had picked up one of the AG cowboy hats for one of my nieces, but buying three was almost as much as buying a new doll so she settled on just the one. When I found these I knew she would be thrilled this way the other two (my twin nieces) would also get a cowboy hat and in their favorite colors of blue and green)
I totally recommend these hats which fit perfectly on the dolls head. These can easily be decorated with ribbons as a party activity or are perfect in loot bag.
As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me comment here or email me at karenmowen@gmail.com

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