Today I wanted to share with you the writing of a fellow Doll Lover and Author Joni (who writes as Celestial1) and the interview questions and answers she shared with me.
What can you tell me about writing Fan Fiction, how you got started and what motivates you?
"I started writing fan fiction - before I even knew that it was a thing -
when I read Felicity’s books as a teenager and thought, “wow, Ben and
Felicity are TOTALLY going to get together.” I tend to think a lot about
the characters in books or movies - what motivates them, what happened
in their past, who are they going to marry when they grow up. So I’d say
my motivation is just wanting to play around with characters that I
love. It’s like playing with dolls, only with words!"
When you write American Girl Fan Fiction do you do research or is it just from your imagination?
"I do some research, not a ton - I’m probably middle of the road when it
comes to accuracy. I do read as many of the canon books as I can get my
hands on. And I try to get a few period-correct details to create an
atmosphere. For example, in ‘Kit Grows Up’ there is a scene where Kit
asks her brother Charlie to a baseball game, so I went on Wikipedia to
find out where the Cincinnati Reds were playing in the late 1940s. I
love to learn about history, so it’s fun to incorporate that when I can."
As a doll lover do you have a favorite Historical Character from American Girl?
"Wow, tough question, can I just say I love them all?! Doll wise, my hands
down favorite is Molly - she was my first doll and the one that got me
hooked. Story wise my favorite character is Felicity, followed closely
by Kit (Valerie Tripp does a great job bringing characters to life). I’m
also really liking the Caroline series lately, there are a ton of
strong female characters."
Do you have any advice for young writers who may be interested in writing their own stories?
"Just do it! Practice makes perfect. I struggled for a long time with
dialogue in my writing, and I found that something that helped was to
speak the lines out loud that my characters would be speaking. You can
always tell when I am working on a story when I go around talking to
You can find out more about Celestial1 and her work by clicking here
Grown Ups Read her Kit Grows Up Story by clicking here
Additionally you can check out her beautiful sewing website and outfits for American Girl Dolls by clicking here
Thank you so much to Joni for sharing with us her answers and letting us know more about Fan Fiction. As with all my posts I would love to hear from you so please leave me a comment here or email me at

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